26 Feb 2017 Weather:Cloudy & rain Air Temp:17℃ Seawater Temp:23.6℃ Wind Direction:NE→NNE
Today, We went to Shimojijima for 3 boat diving.
Dive1 Nakanoshima Hole
When I showed the dive site map, the guest requested to go to the cave, hole, pond.
In response to the request, First Dive goes to Nakanoshima Hall.
From the entrance of the hall, it got submerged as far as 25 m .

Take a picture with a clown anemonefish, along the wall.

Dive2 Mini Grotto (Mini Tori-Pond)
We entered and went to Mini Grotto.
We go for surface of the Mini Tori-pond. There was not a blue sky…

After go down and go back we can saw the topograhy of the Mercedes-Benz mark.
The cave is very beautiful and fantastic.
The guest said “Very amazing”.
Dive3 Nakanoshima Channel
I headed for going to Marin Lake, but because there was a wave, I changed to a Nakanoshima Cannel.
We left the arch through Crépas.

We saw a lot of young fish csn be ,seen.
Miyakojima Diving Aquatic Adventure