30 May 2016 Weather:Cloudy Air Temp:31℃ Seawater Temp:27℃ Wind:NW
Yesterday, We went to Fun Diving in the morning.
She came from Mongolia.
And we went to the “Blue Cave” in Irabu island.
She said, got the C card in Okinawa main island 10 years ago.
She is a blank diver and there was anxiety in the ear clearing(equaliza the pressure in the ears).
However, she was able to go underwater without a problem really.
We saw many “Clark’s anemone fish” near the Cave and Threespot dascyllus also lived there together.
We went into the Blue Cave. Blue was very beautiful.

We saw Tomato anemonefish, Clark’s anemonefish, Dusky batfish, Dogtooth tuna, Black-stripe sweeper, Double lined fusilier, Fire dartfish, Blackfin dartfish, Longnose butterflyfish, Threadfin butterflyfish, Saddle butterflyfish, Blackspotted puffer, Ark eye hawkfish, Threespot dascyllus and a lot of fish.
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