3 July 2016 Weather:Sunny Air Temp:33℃ Seawater Temp:29℃ Wind:SSW
Yesterday, We went 2 boat diving at Shimoji with yesterday’s guest.
Dive 1 ”Nakanoshima Hole”
The sea is very quiet today.
We found a Giant moray in hole.

Nakanoshima Hole is a very dynamic topography.
Exit of the hole, We saw a flock of Yellow and blueback fusilier, Yellowfin goatfish.

We saw a clown anemonefish, Clark’s anemonefish, Blackfin dartfish, fire dartfish and a lot of fish.

Dive 2 ”Devil’s Palace”
Here is a famous dive site in the most popular in Miyakojima.
Devil palace of the entrance is a very beautiful sunlight entering the hole.

We saw a lot of Blotcheye soldierfish and a lot of Black stripe sweeper.
Devil palace is very beautiful beam of sunlight.
Guest was very excited.

Guest said “very good diving today and yesterday”.
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