2 August 2018 Weather:Sunny & Cloudy Air Temp:29℃ Seawater Temp:29.8℃ Wind:WSW
Today started as a windy day with big waves expected coming from the typhoon up north from Okinawa, so knowing that our options were limited today due to weather, we went for 2 very nice dives the best protected from the waves, as a first dive we ventured to Saba Offing, and went for a second dive at Twin Hole.
【Dive1 Saba Offing】
After the harsh trip navigating the waves, we jumped into the water a group of 3 American girls actually living in Kyoto, and one English man actually living in Fukuoka. Under water the conditions were very good, no big current, pretty good visibility and many many fish, at first we saw some pink anemone fish, and after swimming a bit more to the outside part of the first big rock, we stumbled upon a big remora that kept approaching and going away as if it was testing us. On that same area we could see a big bank of goldlined sea bream staying still on a small current, a little bit further we saw some more anemone fish, and we played with a sea cucumber before going back to the boat after a 50 minutes dive.
After the first dive, the trip to the second site was fairly easy as we were now following the waves, once at the dive site we headed towards the cave entrance following a very shallow area to realise as the conditions were announcing that the cave was not possible to enter today as the waves kept smashing the entry hole. We kept a little bit and we found an anemone with some clown anemone fish, and a bit further following a ridge on another anemone we could see some pacific clown anemone shrimps. Following the ridge we went deeper and deeper until we found some cavities were we could see a very big Giant Moray hiding on the rocks. Coming back from the depths, we followed a rocky wall stumbling on some nudibranchs and hiding inside a rock a huge Crown of Thornes Starfish before arriving back to the boat after a 48 minutes dive amazing dive.
Miyakojima Diving Aquatic Adventure in Okinawa JAPAN
#101,543-1Hirara-Shimosato Miyakojima-shi Okinawa 906-0013 JAPAN
Phone +81 980 79 5009