9 March 2018 Weather:Cloudy Air Temp:16℃ Seawater Temp:22.4℃ Wind:N
In the morning, We went to 2 tank fun diving in Shimoji island.
Today the wind is strong and high waves, boat diving is canceled and it is entry from the beach.
【Dive 1 Nakanoshima Hole】

Today ‘s guest came from Hong Kong.
She said “I came diving in Yonaguni before Miyako”.
She was interested in sharks and was also interested in the topography of Miyakojima.
First dive in Miyakojima goes to Nakanoshima hole.
We crossed coral reefs and headed to the hole.
The sunlight entering the hole is very beautiful and fantastic. Go down about 25 meters in the vertical hole, the topography looked like the outline of Moomin.
We saw Tomato anemonefish, Clown anemonefish, Longnose butterflyfish, Semicircle angelfish, Lion fish, Ark-eye Hawkfish, Moorish Idol, Fire dartfish and a lot of fish.
【Dive 2 Nakanoshima Channel】

The second dive came to Nakanoshima Channel on the right side of Nakanoshima Bay.
We crossed coral reefs and headed to the channel.
We entered the Crepus through the arch.
The sunlight entering the crack is very fantastic.
As we went to the channel past Crépas, we saw Lionfish(yg) and Bicolor parrotfish(yg).
We saw Tomato anemonefish, Orange anemonefish, Clark’s anemonefish, Giant Cuttlefish, Blotcheye soldierfish, Tevega cave goby and a lot of fish.
Miyakojima Diving Aquatic Adventure in Okinawa JAPAN
#101,543-1Hirara-Shimosato Miyakojima-shi Okinawa 906-0013 JAPAN
Phone +81 980 79 5009