1 June 2018 Weather:Cloudy Air Temp:28℃ Seawater Temp:24.8℃ Wind:NE→ENE
On a late start today we dove at Devil’s Palace and Tori pond, after a short trip by boat of 30 minutes, we entered the water around noon, and had an amazing experience.
【Dive1 Devil’s Palace】
With today’s guest, a very experienced diver coming from Naha, as a first dive we went to Devil’s Palace. In there we we’re amazed by the narrow caves leading to some much larger chambers with natural light coming from the top where we could appreciate the reason behind the name of the spot, as these chambers are filled with coral remains and empty shells creating an amazing view. We visited the 2 different caves there are, having each one of the their own special characteristics. During the time outside the caves we managed to see a couple of very big dogtooth tuna and some long legged spiny lobsters.
As for the second dive we headed to the impressive Tori Pond, the sea was a bit rough at the dive spot, but good enough. We headed down to 20m depth just to see appearing in front of us the huge arc that works as door to the first pond, at the same time a group of 5 or 6 smaller dogtooth tuna passed by. Only by getting near you realize the size of it, around 20m from the tp of the arc to the sandy ground floor, and with a dim turquoise dimmed light coming from the other end the effect was almost religious. Going in we crossed a majestic sea snake leaving the pond. Once at the other side we surfaced to admire the texture and visibility changes of the river water mixing with the sea water. After the break with some salutation exchanges with some tourists visiting the pond on the surface we headed back being followed by a blue spotted sting ray. In the middle of the arc we took our time and landed on the ground to better appreciate the magnitude of it and then headed back to the boat following the wall.
Miyakojima Diving Aquatic Adventure in Okinawa JAPAN
#101,543-1Hirara-Shimosato Miyakojima-shi Okinawa 906-0013 JAPAN
Phone +81 980 79 5009