21 May 2017 Weather:Cloudy Air Temp:25℃ Seawater Temp:25℃ Wind:E→ENE
Today, We went to the 3 boat fan diving to the Shimoji.
Guests requests it once again saying “We want to go to the Tori Pond”.
Today, We went to Tori pond again.
Visibility is very good today.
We saw Chemocline on the boundary between freshwater and saltwater. We went surface toward the pond.
We saw Pink anemonefish at the bottom of the pond.
【Dive 2 Mini Grotto (Mini Tori Pond)】
The second dive went to Mini Tori pond.
There is an arch in the cave and it has a complicated topography.
The light that plugs from the pond to the cable is very beautiful, and bottom of the pond is also very beautiful and fantastic.
There is “Arch of Mercedes Benz Mark” in the cave which returns from the pond.
Blue from the sea is very beautiful.
Today ‘s last diving went to Hon Drop to see big fish.
Today’s Giant Trevally had powerful.
We saw the figure of chasing fish and attacking.
A very large Napoleon fish, Echeneis naucratessharks were in together.
The guests were also very excited and became a very enjoyable diving.
Miyakojima Diving Aquatic Adventure in Okinawa JAPAN
#101,543-1Hirara-Shimosato Miyakojima-shi Okinawa 906-0013 JAPAN
Phone +81 980 79 5009