20 May 2017 Weather:Cloudy Air Temp:25℃ Seawater Temp:25.8℃ Wind:ESE
Today, We went to the 3 boat fan diving to the Shimoji.
【Dive 1 Tori Pond】

Today’s first dive went to the Tori Pond as requested.
The visivility is good and the blue sea is very beautiful.
We saw Chemocline on the boundary between freshwater and saltwater.
We went surface toward the pond.
Today there were many tourists.
【Dive 2 Beehive Hole (Marine Lake)】

Beehive Hole has two ponds.
As it was cloudy today, there was no beam of light to plug into the pond.
We embarked on the pond and took a memorial photo.
It was very amazing diving.
【Dive 3 Devil’s Palace】

Point of request Devil’s Palace.
It is a very famous dive site in Miyakojima Devil’s Palace.
It was a dark palace with no sunlight, but it was mysterious.
It was very beautiful.
Miyakojima Diving Aquatic Adventure in Okinawa JAPAN
#101,543-1Hirara-Shimosato Miyakojima-shi Okinawa 906-0013 JAPAN
Phone +81 980 79 5009