11 March 2018 Weather:Cloudy & Sunny Air Temp:21℃ Seawater Temp:22.4℃ Wind:ENE
Today, We went to 3 boat fun diving in Shimoji island.
【Dive 1 Antonio Gaudi】
Today ‘s guest came from Hong Kong and Thiland.
First diving went to Antonio Gaudi.
It is one of the famous points on Shimoji Iland Dive Site.
Short caves and lots of holes are open as you enter the Antonio Gaudi.
It is a very dynamic topography.
There is a topography that looks like a Halloween pumpkin.
Outside of Antonio Gaudi,Dogtooth tuna was going around.
Second diving went to the Tori Pond.
It is one of the famous points on Shimoji Iland Dive Site.
We clearly saw the division of freshwater and seawater.
We went to the surface of the pond.
There were a lot of tourists there.
I dropped down again and went into the sea.。
We entered the hole and saw many moontail bullseye and blotcheye solderfish.
I found a white tip reef shark.It was very small.
When we left the hall we found a big Heron ardeadoris.
We saw Tomato anemonefish, Clark’s anemonefish, Semicircle angelfish, Double-lined fusilier, Moorish Idol, Pink anemonefish and a lot of fish.
【Dive 3 Ichinose Drop】
On her request, the third dive went to the Ichinose Drop.
It was time to stop the tide so we did diving slowly with little current.
There was full of large sea fan here.
Going towards the pyramid rock, Wesaw Giant Trevaly.
We saw Pyramid Butterfly fish, Giant Trevaly, Double-lined fusiler, Blue Streak fusiler, Yellow and blueback fusiler and a lot of fish.
Miyakojima Diving Aquatic Adventure in Okinawa JAPAN
#101,543-1Hirara-Shimosato Miyakojima-shi Okinawa 906-0013 JAPAN
Phone +81 980 79 5009